NWCS Testimonials
Take a minute to read these testimonials from real hunters with real stories using our 100% pure deer lures.
Kurt St Germain and his Kansas Buck
Hey Dean I scored last night… I was using your scent. I used a drag going in. I watched him cross where I had walked in, he turn left and walked right to me. Feel free to use my photo and thanks for a product that WORKS!
Bill Balam III Publisher Hawkeye Hunting & Fishing News Serving New Hampshire Sportsmen & Women since 1991
I met at Bass Pro with my son over the summer, and bought the package, I took your advice and mixed Doe in heat and buck tarsal together. I walked this buck 10 yards in front of my stand, he came in fixin for a fight all bristled up and licking. He didn't get 15 yards with a heart shot. Great products!!, a bunch of guys wanted your info and I gave it to them, so you should get some good sales for down here in Ma. Best David
Well the picture says it all. This fine young man, Jonathan James Grodin of Andover NH, shot his first deer this past season. Dad says he was using Buck with Tarsal in a mock scrape. Congratulations from the North Woods Staff.. Mom & Dad must be so proud..
Hey Dean, My name is Eric Markol. I met you last February in Springfield Massachusetts, at the sportsman show. I'm the guy that shot the first time I used your product. And the second time I use your product it's stopped to does being chased by a bear. I purchased 2, 4 ounce bottles of buck urine from you in February. And on Friday I received two for more 4 ounce bottles of buck urine. This morning at 6:40 I laid down a set mine and connected with the big six pointer I've ever shot! Please by all means, relate my success story. Thank you very much for your hard work. Your product just plain works!
Well Dean, every time we use your product we have success. Buddy of mine shot his first eight pointer with a bow this morning using your product. He dragged in a scent line to his stand and the deer walked right to him. After I send this email I am ordering more Buck Urine!!!! Thanks once again!!! We will be seeing you down in Springfield again this year at the sportsman show.
Josh, just 10 minutes with North Woods Buck with Tarsal.. Great job Josh
Hi Dean and the folks at NWCS
I just wanted to write you my testimonial of the great success I had with your product. I hunt and live in Michigan and came across your product when I heard you on the Big Buck Registry Podcast. I listened to you and was really impressed by not only your knowledge of your product but the overall knowledge you had with how Deer behave also. I could tell this was not another hunting gimmick you hear so often. I decided to try your scent out. Ordering was easy and you had it to me within 2 days. I used your doe in heat scent in 4 drip sticks in a 180 degree area around my ground blind, mostly to mask my scent. Then I put some on the ground in two areas that I knew the deer usually travel through. I also applied it to a drag rag that I had clipped to my belt the whole time I was setting up. Overall I was "painting the picture" like you suggested. My two other hunting buddies who were with me couldn't stop poking fun at me about all the effort I was going through and thought my drag rag was a waste of time. Well, come opening morning for rifle season. Sun came up at around 6:50 am. At 7:30 this 8 pt came in and went right to the scent I put on the ground, then he followed it right through the woods where I used the drag rag. I was in awe of this event. I waited till he was at about 50 yards in a clear lane and took my shot. He ran about 25 feet before going down. So as I sat there trying to keep myself calm I was busy texted my buddies, you know, the ones who thought I was wasting my time. I look up 4 minutes later to see another deer standing over the body of my 8 pt. with its head down. As I look at the deer through my scope, he lifted his head to show me this beautiful wide 6 pt. Without hesitation I took the shot and dropped him. I had tagged out opening morning with two beautiful bucks within 4 minutes of each other. It was a deer camp record. Needless to say the naysayers became believers and I could of sold your scent for $50 a ounce after that. Instead I passed your information on to my fellow hunters and they are going to be ordering for next season. On a side note I let one of my buddies use my leftover scent and we had two bucks come right to it. So I just wanted to say thank you for such a quality product and I'll be ordering more next season as will probably every hunter in my deer camp

Shelli , Co Owner of NWCS & her 2015 Buck |
Mark and his 2015 TAG OUT
Great 2015 New Hampshire Buck Patrick This is my deer this year. My best NH deer so far. I made a couple mock scrape sites near my stands and hung some scent wicks using “Buck with Tarsal and Doe estrous scent”. This buck came in to my stand this past Saturday not long after putting fresh scent out. I think it makes a real difference in bringing deer in close or frequenting a specific area more.
Thanks Patrick Kenney
Marke Writes: Dean, thanks again for creating a great product, I used your Doe in Heat and this 8 pointer came in on the run after just 45 minutes of setting up 3 wicks off the ground about 3 feet and dragging one around my 16ft ladder stand out about 20 to 50 yards I place the wicks. I shot him at about 40 yards. Thanks again I will talk your product up.
Marke from Williamstown VT
Hey Dean , Just wanted to get back with you with some results already ! I think you have bottled some kind of magic . I used the spray bottles with the package I received from you . Filled one with estrous and the other with buck tarsal gland. Sprayed both in a clustered of honeysuckle upwind from my stand on a high bluff and it brought in a few nice bucks . One of which I shot at 12 yards directly behind me . Not a young and rut dumb deer but a nice mature 5.5 yr old . Two years In a row now I've been impressed. Last year on public land and this year on private land .
Thanks Scott
 Jason's 2015 Buck .. Great Story |
Scott is at it again
2 years Tag Out with North Woods

Shelli's 2014 TAG OUT Season
All were shot within 20 yards of mock scrapes
 Nate keeps Shooting Big Bucks with NWCS |
Dean, Well Monday night I harvested this 202 lb. Maine buck in the expanded archery season . I used some of your doe in heat very little on a drag rag and hung it in front of my stand at 18 yds. I had two bucks ( small 6 pt. in velvet and a spike )walk up to scent and walk off . The 6pt came back when this buck came in checking the scene. The smaller buck walked the other way with this stud came up to 12yds and was making his way over to the drag when I dropped the release on him ! He went 25 yrs. and hit the dirt !This time of yr. I only use a small amount of scent .
Thanks again for having a product that works ! Nathan D. Fenderson
Yesterday morning, I happened across your article on line and decided to make one last visit to my stands late in the day. I set up a scrape strategy as you described and thought about your virtual deer. Earlier in the season, I set my stands downwind of open shooting lanes in heavy New England forest. This stand was downwind 40 yards from the mock scrape when an hour and a half into archery season, I tagged my first buck...ever!! Just like you said, he came in at 30 yards and turned toward the scrape. I bleated once just before that using a bleat box. I've been hunting this area for five years and always came close but never tagged anything. Thanks for your article. It definitely worked this time!
Salvatore Emma Jr.
 Nice North Woods Buck |
 Right on NICK |
NICK from Pittsfield NH writes: Hi Dean and Shelli, I love the product and will buy more in the future. I shot a nice 8 pointer and a spike horn with my bow as well as a 6 pointer and doe with my gun all while using the scents I had purchased. Thanks a bunch for putting together a realistic scent to lure and cover my scent I will recommend Northwoods Common Scents to fellow hunters even though it might lure some deer away from me. Haha. I look forward to hearing from you and hunting with Common Scents for years to come.
Nick NH Hunter
Chris from Minnasota sent in pics of a great MInnasota Giant.. Sorry Chris... I couldn't get the Pics to down load on the site.. Trust me folks it was a beauty..He Wrote: Just wanted to send a pic of the deer I shot last weekend in Minnesota using your product. I was hunting alone, so it's not the best pic.
Thanks, Chris Hunsberger
Scott Hammock from Worden Illinios heard about us on THE BIG BUCK REGISTRY POD CAST and writes: Just reporting back with two very nice public land bucks . First day was slow and the deer just weren't moving . I decided to make several mock scrapes and used the doe in heat / buck tarsal scents in combination. Hunting public land is really tough but the next day the woods came alive ! Just wanted to share .

The 2012 New Hampshire deer season was another great year plenty of mature big racked bucks running the northern woods.
I have to admit I have a secret weapon I use every year that has proved itself over and over again fooling those big bucks into shooting range! Northwoods Common Scents is this secret weapon ! I use the Hot Doe scent in a scent dripper every year to draw in mature bucks with a small amount of Buck Tarsal .
I make mock scrapes and set up the scent the key is placing the drippers out three to five days prior to your hunt. This year’s hunt proved to be one I will never forget . I placed 4 drippers out in an area I knew there were some mature bucks ( trail cameras showed 4 different big racked bucks ) working the terrain to hopefully capture the interest and lure one in to shooting range. Well as luck would have it one of those bruisers was working my mock scrape two grunts later my muzzle loader spoke and I had a monster on the ground !
My NH buck gross scored 166 2/8 not too shabby ! Thanks again for having a product that really works !!
Best Regards Professional Hunter Nate Fenderson
Owner of Legends video Productions Coming soon NEW TV show “ BUCKREAPERS”
Dean, Just wanted to send you a picture of a nice 11 point 170 pound buck I shot on opening day of the Massachusetts deer season using your doe in heat scent. Being a New Hampshire hunting guide for many years I often don't recomend alot of commercial products for clients. But this product works !!!!!
The story goes like this, I used the doe in heat scent sprayed on drag rags, attached to my boots as I enter a ridge in the Northern Berkshire mountains. Reaching my ground stand I hung the drag rags in the trees around my stand. A 5-10 MPH northwest wind attrached this 11 pointer to come in grunting with his head up high searching for the source of the scent. I placed the bead of my Remmington 12 gauge 870 pump on his chest at 15 yards and dropped him in his approach. I reccomend your product to clients and fellow hunting buddies. I also took a 4 pointer using the doe in heat earlier durning the archery season.
Thanks, Ron Giard NH Licensed Hunting Guide
Dean, 2012 has been an amazing year for me, thanks in large part to North Woods Common Scents. First off, I want to thank you for putting out such a great product! I truly believe that it is a great tool that can increase your odds of harvesting a whitetail. I had the privilege of harvesting three New Hampshire whitetail bucks this past season, and one last season using what I learned from you about mock scrapes and how to make them. The first buck I harvested was a husky three pointer that came in down wind. I didn't get to make a mock scrape that evening, but what I did do was spray my boots and mist the air. With a little light rattling, he came in to within ten yards of the end of my muzzleloader barrel. I actually had a button buck follow my back trail and grunt a couple times earlier that evening.
 What a Giant .. Congrats. n Thanks |
The second buck I harvested was a spike that came in sniffing a mock scrape. He actually started to circle around me, so I snort wheezed twice and he came right to the scrape where I shot him at about 23 yards. November 16th will be a day that I will not forget! I started out the day videotaping a hunt for a friend. On my way home, I stopped at my hunting spot where I already had a stand hung and made a mock scrape using your Doe In Heat and Buck Urine. The wind was blowing the scent in the direction I was hoping the deer would be coming from. I went back to the stand a couple hours later and the wind had shifted a bit. As I sat in the stand, I sprayed the air with Doe in Heat and heard a noise from the thick cover in front of me and immediately realized it was a deer running through the woods. It was a magnificent buck running to the mock scrape! I drew my bow, picked a spot on his chest, and released an arrow. I made a great hit and the deer went about 100 yards. He was a 165 pound 10 point who was so captivated by what he was smelling, that I was able to draw my bow at ten yards without being busted! I can't thank you enough. I know that using North Woods Common Scents definately was key in harvesting all of these bucks.
Thank you, Johnathan Wiggin
 Buck With Tarsal During the Rut |
This guy popped up about 25 yards from me ...caught a whiff of my scent rags and was literally walking right into me...he walked up 8 yds I figured I needed to take him with the shotgun or I was gonna have to wrestle him..Anyways it was a great day and a great hunt with my buddies...Thanks for a quality product Dean.......
North Woods comes through again, buck # 8.
After passing up 2 does on Wed. opening day of rifle season, I set up my spot early Fri. morning with my Northwoods scent to sit for the day. I got up to walk around for a while around 11:00 and was returning back around 1:00. I was just about there when I saw a buck walking through the woods going right towards the scent. It stopped, there was alot of brush between us but I fired any way. The buck took off and I went see if I hit it. I searched but with no luck, I didn't hit it. So I decided to try a different area I had not been to before, I found a spot I liked and sat for the day. The next weekend I went back and scouted the area more the 1st day.
 #8 North Woods Buck |
The 2nd day I scouted around then went back to the same spot I found and put out my scent, it was cold and windy but I waited and about 3:00 a buck came into the scent. It came within 20 yards and I shot him, an 8 pointer, 142 lbs. Thanks to Northwoods I got a second chance for another successful hunt. I told a friend about your scent and he tried it and got a 4 pointer over a mock scrape, now he is hooked on your scents.
Sincerely, Donna Castor
 Thanks for your Business Steve |
Dean....Ive been meaning to email you and let you know I was very pleased with your product. I used the Doe in heat for the first time out in Illinois in November. Weather was warm and activity was slow but the last morning we had cold front come through and things picked up. This buck was the 6th buck to come directly to the scent in the first hour of light, all 6 stayed withing 50 yards and keep circling the area trying to find the doe. Great job....I will be using your product again next year. Steve Craig
Dean, He came to a mock scrape! I had used a bottle of doe in heat with a dripper set up and sprayed buck urine around the same area. I have hit it a bunch of times, it was a new stand location I set up maybe 3 weeks ago!
Hope all is well!
 NIce Buck Alex |
 Mike , I'm looking for a place to hunt in Mass. LOL |
I had wrote you back in September indicating that I had spoke with you at the Yankee Sportsman Classic in Vermont the year before and wanted to try your product. I ordered a bottle and this season used it when the rut had started here in Massachusetts. I have had 5 different bucks come into the scent since I first put it out on October 26th of this year.
I missed an 8 pointer on that day he had come in just smelling it and stood 8 yards from my stand I just blew the shot, then I shot a spike horn that stood 15-20 yards from the scent pads I had out and he was nose curling and drueling over the smell of it but was scared to come close, this morning I hung 2 scent pads soaked with your product and now I know why the little spike buck was scared. This bad boy dressed out at 200 pounds and he just be-lined it for the scent pads he didn’t go far and I didn’t blow the shot. All of this action was at the same tree stand now I am Tagged Out and just have a doe tag to fill. The stuff is awesome and I will put another order in next September. I will recommend your product to all my hunting buddies. The attached photo is me with my buck I shot today holding your bottle of scent.
Thanks, Mike Worcester County, Mass.
Hi Dean, Here is the four pointer that I shot Wednesday evening thanks to Northwoods Common Scents! I made the mock scrape a little over a week ago and used straight buck and doe urine then. Upon returning the other night to sit, I included a small amount of estrous doe and buck tarsal to my spray bottles and freshened not only my mock scrape but a new one that had been recently opened. I set up the camera on the arm and settled in for the evening sit. After giving a little time for things to settle down, I did some light rattling and used the bleat can. A short time later, I heard deer running towards me, so I hit the record button and got ready. Through the trees, I could see this buck coming in with his nose in the air. I recognized him as a deer that I had filmed several time earlier in the summer. Wanting to have some prime venison in the freezer, I shot him at 25 yards and he piled up 80 yards away. Northwoods Common Scents had that buck coming in looking for other deer! What a great hunt, thank you!
Carter Heath
 What a memory |
I wanted to let you know that I am a believer in your product.I have hunted “Big Woods” in Vermont since I was very young. My family comes from the state of Vermont so as you can imagine I was hiking in the woods with my Grandfather at a tender age – mountain hunting – go-getters.Hunting “Big Woods” is challenging, but, can be very rewarding. My family is a dedicated, passionate, ethical group of hunters that put our time in. We are “on-top” before day-light getting set and we “sit” until dark awaiting movement and or watching for “Big Boy”.Long story short – it was Thanksgiving last year. We had snow (jackpot) and had family & friends at the Lake for a feast. When the afternoon dinner was complete and family was wrapping up one of my cousins says “you better get going”. It was after 2:00 and my heart was pounding with excitement – I am in my mid 40’s.My boy, niece and dearest cousin loaded in the truck and we headed to the mountain.
The Boy and I were running late (typically sitting by 1:45). The “sign” we saw that morning was to die for. Does in heat, spotting in the snow. Getting the “Giant” in the “Big Woods” is sort of like seeing Sasquatch or Champ. You know he is there, but, it takes time. I have had close calls, I have seen him, he has seen me, but, never a good shot and have passed on the Ridge Runner before again, I would never want to wound Big Boy.November 24, 2011 at 4:30 pm, with my Boy by my side, I shot this 195 lb 9 Pointer. This buck was 6.5 years old, per taxidermist and a trophy of a lifetime. Old School – Big Buck.I was using your scent and no question it brought him in. Sitting tight and not moving a muscle while coaching The Boy, I had your Doe in Heat and Big Buck Tarsal hanging – a few of them….late season, I was “all-in”. The wind was blowing down the ridge from the South and it was tough. I heard a crack up “on Top” and I knew then Big Boy was up & about. Suddenly the wind shifted, from the North and pushed the scent up the ridge. Along with a relentless Doe Bleat – Big Boy came horsing down the ridge to me - Full Rut and crazy. I whacked him with a 180 Grain Silver Tip (reloaded from my Dad who passed just a few years ago) and harvested a Giant. I have one of my Dad’s reloads left…..This was 100 yards from where my Grandfather harvested his 200 lb 8 Pointer in 1950….spiritual.I was with my Boy (and my deceased Gramp & Dad) in spirit and achieved a life-time goal. The Boy and I hugged and shared a life-time moment. No question, your product is the real deal. Attached is the picture of my Buck……! This year, it will be my Boy and we will be in touch with you again.
All my best to you & family…..! Pete G
Great Scents
Harvested this 9 point 134" P&Y class buck during the 2011 Ohio season. I found multiple scrapes within 50 yards of each other along a field, I applied NWCS Virtual Doe In Heat Scent to each scrape. When this buck came in I watched him for about 15 minutes, working each scrape; tearing the ground up, jumping up on his hind legs while trashing the branches that I applied the scent to. One of my most memorable hunts. Thanks for a great product,
Tim Moquin Franklin, NH
Dean, I went out after a "large" 8 point I have been after this evening hunt. Got where I wanted to be by 2:30. Sprayed down my boots and jumped him on my way in. I was a little disenchanted to say the least. I was overlooking a swamp that i jumped to "Ol Boy" out of and decided to have a sit. I filled up the "Lil Hottie" with some estrus doe and sat against a ledge with my back to a tree. About 1 1/2 hours later I saw a deer up on a ridge across from the swamp and said to myself "What is that deer doing? I put the binoculars on him and said"Oh, he's raking his antlers on a tree........... ANTLERS!" The Remington 600 6.5 mag went boom, deer go down. He was a 5 point and weighted 158 pounds. I didn't get the big boy but there is always muzzle loader season. Oh yeah, I called a friend to come and drag it out as I can hardly walk. Pete
A buddy from VT brought some Northwoods Doe-In-Heat to camp this year saying he had heard it was pretty good, and from Northeastern deer. I filled my bottle and proceeded to spray a scent line about 150 yards, uphill, to my stand site. That evening a doe came out and followed the scent, downhill and away. I thought it was strange that it would follow my exact boot trail. The does normally run across my boot trail perpendicular, to/from their bedding in a nearby hemlock stand. The next morning I repeated the scent line, and as soon as I got settled in my stand I heard the crunching of a deer coming uphill. A 4-point was following the scent line. As I wanted a bigger deer, I practiced my grunt tube on him for a bit. Five minutes later I heard another deer coming up the hill, it was a nice seven point. The rest of the story is obvious. It is rare for me to see a buck, never mind two bucks at the same time, below my tree stand. It was opening day of 2009 NH rifle and the rut was in full swing. Good product, I'll spread the word. Here are some pictures. Jay Langan
Hi Dean- My name is Jason Ammann. I met you guys at the Fish and Game event this year. I bought a bottle of doe scent at the event. I needed to write this letter to explain my situation. I’ve since taken a button buck with my bow on the ground on Nov 8 at 20 yards. This past Sunday, the 22nd, I took at 6 pointer with my rifle at 20 yards on the ground. I’ve never seen bucks react to scent like they react when using your stuff. I was able to get into the thick cover at close range both times and grab these bucks out of their “bedroom”. That’s hard to do. It’s almost ridiculous. Thanks for the amazing season! 1 tag left… (I’ve never done soon with this stuff!)See you in
August for more scent. Kind regards, Jason Ammann .......Hopkinton,NH
Dean just so you know I'm sold on your product , I hunt down here in Mass. but also up in Pittsburg NH, with my buddy Ron Giard. (West Springfield Sportmans Show). Although I didn't close the deal last year I had some great moments up in Pittsburg. my last day of my hunt the temps dropped and the magic of Buck with Tarsal impressed the hell out of me I not only saw one monster buck but Two!!! The first one unfortunately saw me before I saw him, the second caught wind of your scent and and came through the woods like a freight train, I threw a little low grunting in there and this bad boy wanted me.. But unfortunately my first shot was high and my second shot remained in my chamber because of my stove piped 1st shell...needless to say I'm not a fan of semi-autos anymore. ( I'll be hunting with my lever action 35-rem this year) It made for a long walk out in the dark but a great great story and visual...Anyway thanks for a great product keep up the good work, I will continue to support you and company.
Rich Kendra RN,CCRN Education Coordinator
I shot a 183lb 9point Buck using your products.. He became very interested in Northwoods Scents, "Estrous Doe" I had used with in a dripper on 11/11/2010 3:32 pm, Central NH 55degrees F. I'll see about filling my last bow tag in the next few weeks on this guys daddy.
Thanks again from a very satisfied customer, Robert E. Rice |
Early Sunday morning, I headed to my favorite hunting area in Sullivan. I had been scouting the area several days seeing little sign, a few tracks and scrapes here and there. I put out my scent, Northwoods Doe in heat, and waited. At 7:30 I heard 5 shots nearby and thought "damn, some one shot my buck." I waited and a minute later I heard a noise, it was skipper. It stood 20 feet from me and never saw me. One half hour later I glanced and saw a buck coming my way. His nose was to the ground, taking his time, sniffing out the scent. Finally he stepped into my sights and I got him. It was a 7 point. His antler was broken off on the end on one side. It weighed in at 155 lbs. I have taken 6 bucks using Northwoods Common Scents, 12 deer in all. Thanks for another successful hunt.
Sincerely, Donna Castor
Well Rob , sorry we can't post a pic but the story and memory will last you a while ... Rob uses NWCS every season and keeps knocking them down.
I was using a scent dragger which i tend to do mid October thru the end of the season. I also use a "Scent Fuse" Made by Buck Bomb i believe? Its just a convenient way to use and store your scent. The Fuse was hung about 20ft from the base of my tree stand wafting Doe in Heat. He came up the backside of a oak ridge where i sit, nose to the ground, hit my drag line and turned on a dime following my scent trail. I had previously ranged numerous key marking points and later realized i miss read 22yds for 32yds... The worst is that i knew better, i knew it looked to close and just botched it. Regardless...awesome experience...good scent, and i still got time to fill this last dam bow tag!
Thanks again -Rob
It all started with the arrival of Paul, my long time friend of 45 years.
He had just finished and exhausting week of moose hunting in Northern Vermont.
All the hiking and hard work produced only great memories but no meat in the freezer. They had climbed ridge after ridge after the giants but to no avail. Paul arrived at my place pretty beat up from his weeklong excursion.
We hunted the next 5 days in a row with muzzle loaders , morning and evening only sleeping in once over the course of that time frame.
It was totally different then last year. We couldn't keep the deer off us. We saw deer every time on stand. This year we have a full moon cycle which seems to have hamstrung us. In any case the deer were not moving . Well after 5 days on the ridges of Vermont with no sighting and 5 day at camp Vanier with no sighting , Paul had had enough. We woke at 4am that next morning and he looked miserable.
The weather was damp and he was having no part of it. There aint no friggen deer in them woods.
I ain't seen nuffin all week and this stupid full moon has screwed us all up.
I'm going back to bed and then I'm going home . I chucked to myself and understanding his frustration crawled back in the sack myself. Although My wife and I wanted Paul to finish out the weekend in hopes of a successful hunt , I have to admit that that boy can eat. Shelli and I looked at each other throughout the week in amazement as our fully stocked fridge ended up looking like a soup Kitchen that had been closed for the past 50 years. It's no wonder the boys all there. Later that morning Paul packed his stuff, touched off his muzzle loader and had another packed up the last chunk of cake before heading back to Maine. Mean while Shelli and I zoomed off to our place of business in hopes of getting a few things done so that I could get my backside into the woods for the evening hunt. We got the call from Paul around 1:00 with his safe arrival in Portland and he wished me luck with the remainder of the hunting season.
As the time approached 2:00, I hustled nervously around shelly watching the clock and trying to finish my work. Finally could take it anymore 2:30 ! Umm Shelli , looking at her smiling ear to ear.
Get out of here, you're driving me nuts. Go get him . I know he's out there. I have to admit she's a keeper.
A great friend and wonderful wife. Thanks Shell for covering for me. Go please just go she responded.
That's all I needed for my truck tires to turn . I raced home trying not to exceed the speed limit by more than 20 mph. Arriving home transformed myself I from a mild mannered business manager into a meat craving carnivore in 2 minutes. Gabbed my muzzle loader leaped back into my pick up and drove to the ridge stand. I arrived at my stand location at 3:15. I then broke out my secret weapon: The LIL Hattie scent dispersal unit or SDU.
It keeps my deer lures at a temperature of around 90 degrees. The difference is much like that of a cold cup of coffee compared to a hot one. The scent travels much further when it is warm. I applied my scent into the LIL Hattie carefully much like a mad scientist mixing test tubes. For some reason I had the incredible urge to laugh in a sinister fashion. Knowing I had only a couple hours of day light left, I placed my scent upwind from my stand. The wind was blowing hard and I know that mature bucks usually lock up 30 t0 50 yard downwind trying to confirm what they are smelling. I climbed my stand and marveled at the trap I had set and the time I did it in. Now all I needed was a volunteer from the nearby deer population. 3:30 arrived and I started asking for volunteers with my doe bleat. Bleat . Hello., Hello , over here. I'm over here!
Looking at my watch a, a half hour had passed. It was now 4:00. I tried the bleat call again trying to be more convincing this time. Hello, I'm over here. Just a little hot doe waiting for you. No hunter here, just me your little friend. Bleat Blah Bleat Blah. This has obviously take years to perfect.
While chuckling to myself saying that is too funny Dean. Pay attention...The sound of the stiff breeze was interrupted by some foot steps . or so I thought. There was something on my right approaching but I thought sure I had heard something 50 yards to my left as well. Well it didn't matter now because whatever was on my right was approaching fast . I got ready to take the safety off my 50 caliber . I saw movement through the brush and got ready 30 yards no 25 ... Great a turkey..Unreal , I thought to myself. I didn't know a turkey could understand a bleat call. Again I chucked at the thought. The turkey disappeared into the brush and I set back in my stand and relaxed . False alarm.. The wind continued blowing and I thought I heard another step to my left. It was about 50 yards away and downwind from my scent. It was very faint but I'm sure something was there. Maybe another turkey that thinks it's a deer I thought. I checked my watch 4:20. I watched to my left. I could see nothing but there the sound was again. Then about 100 yards away I heard a deer blow twice . Now , what's going on with that, I thought. I immediately broke into my brains Deer vocalization archives DVA for short and determined that the deer is either blowing at me , my LIL Hattie or ... another deer. I decided to respond with a soft grunt call. Placing my mouth on the call , I let out 3 grunts. I'm over here in deer talk.
No sooner than the call left my mouth , the footsteps returned. There was something there the whole time. I listened and watched. I know your there , now where are you. Looking at my watch 4:30 not much time . Just then a deep cheated heavy racked buck separated itself from under brush. I wasted no time. The Muzzleloader barley touched my should when I pulled the trigger. A large puff of smoke interrupted my vision momentarily as I watch the large buck bolt. I immediately startled playing the scenario over in my mind. It was a good buck. 8 points , maybe bigger . Wow . Then I thought I had shot so fast. Did I hit him I remember the cross hairs dropping behind the front shoulder before the large puff of smoke filled my scope. He did take off like a bat otta hell. Did I miss him. climbing down from my stand , I couldn't help but think I had to have connected at 60 yards. It was losing day light quickly . I went to where I had seen the deep cheasted buck and yes there it was . Red Gold and lots of it for about 40 yards and heard a crash and some trashing. Was he still alive? Did I wound him? Did he just take off? Oh no , the coyotes are going to get to him before I do. Aliens are coming . The sky is falling.
Ok , I thought . get a grip Dean. Great now I'm talking to myself.
Just back off and give it some time. I climbed off the ridge went back to my truck and went to get some help. It was funny because I pulled into the yard and shells Jeep was there. Shelli ? Shell are you there?
No response. Oh no , the coyotes have gotten her to. Over here she responded . You shot a deer didn't you. I knew it , I knew It . Yea shell , I shot a corker . He's a big 8 maybe bigger and I'm going to need some help. I think he's dead up on the ridge. There was lots of blood and I think I heard him fall down.
I'm going to call <Mark for some help. No she replied, let me go . Please Dean , I've never done this before and I really want to know what it's all about. Looking at my watch and then into her eyes, I had to say yes. She was so excited. I asked again , are you shore? We don't know what we may or may not find shell.
It can be messy , hard work and potentially heart breaking. All 120 lbs jump up and said , I can do this.
Please. One condition Shell I am always open to discussion on everything we do . This time you have to listen to everything I say. It's very important ,I know what I'm doing. You got it , she replied. Thinking to myself wow, I wonder if this will ever happen again. The decision was made. It was Shelli and Dean on the blood trail of what I believed to be my best buck ever. After arming ourselves with multiple flashlights and batteries we jump into the pickup and off we went. We arrived at the ridge. It was pitch black . before closing the door to the pickup I looked d at Shelli and asked her if she was ready. Remember, be careful where you step, it's dark. Go slow be quiet and listen. Looking back under the brim of her camo baseball cap she nodded eagerly an said but I feel like if have knots I my stomach and I'm real nervous. Good I said , that's how your suppose to feel now let's go. I have ego admit that I was a little nervous myself. I know what could be waiting at the end of the trail but also feared at what might not be there. We were almost to my stand where I had shot when we arrived at a small swamp that we needed to cross. Standing in 6 inches of water with my rubber boots, I looked back at Shell and said be careful it's kinda deep.
No problem she whispered back. Looking down at her feet and scratching my head I said sneakers?
Hikers, she snapped back. Chuckling to myself , I hit reverse and said Ok , jump on let's go. A short piggyback ride took her to the other side and back on dry land. I a couple hundred we arrived at the blood trail . Here we go , I whispered, Go slow, Stay behind me, be quiet, and try not to step into the blood in case we need to back track. Moving slowly through the darkness , we kept our flashlights on narrow beam so not to spook any animals nearby. The deer appeared to be hit hard. However we had gone nearly 150 yards. Pausing and listening for signs of life every minute or so we came upon a large boulder.
The blood lead us up on and the off the boulder and to a large log where he had stopped. Wow, I whispered , Shelly look at this. Shelly started tapping me on the shoulder. Blood on both sides . I can't believe that the deer is not right here. Shell continued tapping me on the shoulder. Wait Shell, not now, he has to be here somewhere. After a slight push in my back , I snapped around ... What honey. I held my flash light to her face. Her eyes were glazed and her lips trembled as she pointed her light 5 feet away. He's right there. We immediately embraced for what seemed like 5 minutes. Look at him she whispered. Oh my god he's beautiful. Sitting down beside him she patted his thick coat and was the first person to ever touch him. The buck was well over 200lbs on the hoof and sported and wide 10 point rack. What a blessing I thought. Of all the track jobs over the last 30 plus years, this will forever be the most memorable. I field dressed the large buck and pointed Shelly in the direction of the Pickup. We took our time laughing and often hugging most of the way down off the ridge. Placing our maglights every 30 yards in the dirt Shelly would come back and grab the other side of the rack and help pull. She certainly could pull as hard as Mark but she was after all a heck of allot cuter.
We arrived home both tired from the hard work and excitement.
I got from here Shelly . Thank you so much for your help . I would have never shot this buck if it were not for you. Wrapping a biggest bear hug she could muster , she looked up at me and said . Now I understand why you do it.
Thank you Dean... I love you
I shot a corker! Sometimes fact is stranger than fiction!!!
Three weeks before the season opens we get a severe wind storm that knocks all of the acorns out of the trees. All of a sudden there are no deer in the deer cameras. Food sources have changed. I had seen some really nice buck including a 14 and a couple 10’s The 2008 archery season started off okay and ended with virtually no sightings of deer. I passed on 7 deer opening day. No other chances. Opener of gun season I get a call that my friends brother had “hit” a nice buck and it was headed my way. I was 1/2 mile away and uphill . About 1/2 hour later this nice buck is flying past me. I blow him into the ravine with a chest shot from my 350 magnum. More shots? “Chuck your deer is down, your deer is down!” His deer? Well he did hit it through the brisket through the skin. His deer? I had a 350 magnum through the chest. Chuck ended up tagging it and I lost a friend out of the deal. It was a 6 point with a 14 2/8” inside spread and weighed 172 pounds. I hunted the rest of the season and passed a 3 point as it was too close to being legal or illegal. Not worth the “whoops” factor. As I had an unfilled rifle tag and 2 unfilled archery tags I decided not to get a muzzleloader license. If I couldn’t get a buck with my bow, I’d go without. Opening late season archery in Vermont. Well I broke all the rules. I didn’t shower, got up late, drove to where I wanted to hunt and the road was plowed closed. I could have hiked in. It was about 4 degrees and really noisy. I opted to go get a hot chocolate and think of another place to go.
About 9:00 I was a little warmed(In my truck) and ended up on the other side of where I wanted to be about 200 yards from my other destination. As the ice storm had coated my ladder stand I walked out to a tree with a stump attached to the base and cleaned off a place in the snow. The ice had all the limbs sagging towards the ground. Everything was coated in ice. I noticed I couldn’t see my sights without the sight pin lit so I knew I’d have to turn that on as soon as I saw/heard a deer. I empty out a spray bottle and fill it with Northwood's Common Scents urine. Todays flavor was doe in heat. I spray it all around my stand and occasionally with a burst of wind. At about 9:30 I heard some crunching and saw just a rack coming over the crest of the hill. I got my sight pin lit and started turning counter clock wise as I am left handed. I noticed the buck was limping. He came into about 12 yards and was in some thick whips under some hanging pine limbs. I pulled back and waited for a shot. He started to move and I shot. Just as I was releasing he spun and I hit him in the lower part of the hind quarter. His head dropped as if he thought he was being attacked as I was fumbling for another arrow.
Before I could even get the arrow on and release clipped in, a huge buck came over the hill from the same direction as the other one did. In the blink of an eye he hit the first buck in the chest and pushed him back until he slammed into a tree. When he hit the tree the second buck picked the first buck up the side of the tree about 2 feet. I saw an opening at the first bucks chest and shot him with my rage 2 1/2” broadhead. The second buck took off back over the hill as fast as he had come. The first buck lay there motionless. I called Corey to help me drag and load the deer. He was in Plymouth NH with his girlfriend. I then called Nick to come help me get him into the truck, gutted and tagged the deer. He weighed in at 146 empty and was aged at 8 1/2 - 9 1/2 years old. I took him home and Nick and I hung him. As I skinned him I noticed many holes in him body. About 30 of them. When I looked at the heart I saw that 1 of the other bucks tines went all the way through the heart! I had shot a dead deer! Well at least he was going to die with or without my arrow. He had 13 point. Of them 11 were scorable. After the drying period he was scored by master measurer ,
David Coker at 138 3/8" as a 10 point typical.
Buckmasters Region 10 Director (ME,NH,VT,MA,CT,RI) Master Angler since 1981 X-Stream Fishing Guide Service - Alaska- New York- Vermont Trophy Head Hunts - Guide/Outfitter New York- Vermont- Florida Buckmaster's-Master Antler Scorer Record book of Exotics-Certified Scorer Northeast Big Buck Club - Scorer Vermont Big Game Trophy Club - Scorer Northeast Common Scents- Pro Staff the Wolf & Wild Canine Sanctuary- Director http://www.wolfsanctuary.com
Got Two Bucks Steen ?
As a matter of he does have two bucks and one heck of a story to go with them that will last forever . Here is Steen's story :
I am sending the enclosed photos to show you how good your product worked for me. On November 30 , I was in my tree stand . I had sprinkled some of your Doe In Heat buck lure on a few branches .I had used other scents in the past without much success , so I was in doubt as to weather this scent would work . I had been in my tree stand for about an hour when the 11 point buck came in . I came within 10 yards of my stand and I shot him with my bow. I still was not sure if it was the buck lure that brought him in till the next day .
I was hunting with my 12 year old son . It was about 8:30am . Some of the buck lure was still on my gloves and wool pants from being spilled on the previous day .
My son and I were sitting on a maple log and I was telling him that this was a good deer crossing . A few minute later , I said Nick I think I here something . We looked up the steep bank in front of us and to our surprise we saw a fine 8 point buck running straight at us . My son's exact words were ," Dad is he charging us ?" I whispered to him to be quiet . The buck ran up to about 15 yards from us . Mean while I had drawn my bow . When he looked up and saw us , he put on the brakes and I released my arrow .
A few minutes later we got our deer .It was one of the happiest moments of my life . M y son was with me and I had just shot both of them with a bow just 16 hours apart . I truly believe that your buck lure worked . I have never hunted anywhere accept New Hampshire . I'm 39 years old and have tagged a deer every year since I was 17 . I truly believe that the buck lure did it for me because these were the two easiest bucks I ever gotten .
Sincerly , Steen Gilpatrick
PS I'm looking forward to using your buck lure next year .
Michael's Idaho Buck
Michael heads out west every fall to help his client take large Whitetails like this on . Here is his own story :
Hi Dean , I spoke with you on the phone a while back and you asked for a picture and a short story of my hunt :
While scouting I had found some good sized rubs on several trees . A couple days later while hanging my tree stand , I found some scraps in the same area . A friend of mine had used your Doe In Heat Scents with good results . On the way to my stand I used a drag line leading to trails in the bucks travel corridor .I had placed a drip bottle with your scent on the bucks scrape that was visible from my stand . Later that morning at 11:00 , a buck came down the trail where I had used the drag line . He walk up to the scape with the drip bottle a stopped for a perfect one shot kill . A short pack out was nessesary but enjoyable none the less . I work for an outfitter and use this technique quite often for our clients. A good quality product like yours definatily helps in our efforts to put trophy deer infront of our hunters . This Deer scored 143 and 5/8 gross . I have enclosed a couple pictures also. Your product is a good one and I would be happy to use it in the future for myself and my hunters .
Thank you Michael Branch
Mitch does it again !
As I had mentioned earlier , Mitch and I go back a ways . I lost track of how many times he has knocked 'em down with the help of NorthWoods Common Scents .
Hey Dean , here are a few pictures of my deer , I hope you like them .We need to hook up so that you check out the rest of them .Your friendship and product , NorthWoods Common Scents are outstanding .I have used them for years now and continue to have great success . Thank you very much and keep up the good work . Nice racker Huh ? Yaaa !
Keep in touch , Mitch


Jimmy 's back to back bruisers
Jim , has been part of Team NorthWoods for over a decade and takes his hunting seriously . His favorite technique is Still hunting and using NorthWoods Common Scents . Here is his story.
Dean , I am writing to tell you how NortWoods Common Scents has help me become a better hunter .I started using Deer Scents 9 years ago . I've tried most of them on the market with limited success. I managed one 8 point buck in the last seven years . I've always seen deer . Mostly does and spikes with little chance for a shot with my bow.
2 years ago I tried NorthWoods Common Scents real late in the season .On the last day your Doe in Heat brought a huge 12 point buck in with an estimated live weight of 300lbs . Although I missed the shot , I have never seen a animal of that caliber. Last year I couldn't wait to get into the woods . I purchsed some NorthWoods Doe Urine to start the early bow season. I had six oppertunities where deer came well into bow range comfortably on the scent. I waited , hoping to see the large buck from the previous year . Muzzel loading season brought the same success. I was seeing more deer /more bucks then I'd seen in all the previous years combined. Again, I let these smaller bucks walk . On November 30th I had put out some NorthWoods Doe in Heat , shortly after I saw a Doe cut down wind from the scent . The doe dissapeared in to a thicket . Ten minutes later a buck appeared . He was on her track but was confused on where to go . The buck was on the Northwoods Doe in Heat instead on the doe . I pulled up and fired . I saw him fall. Not realizing the size of the buck I had shot, I about choked when I saw him. The bucks weight exceeded 200lbs dress and had a 24 inch inside spead. Now I am already looking forward to next season and I know I will be using NorthWoods Coomon Scents .
Sincerly Jim Dussault
I took this eight pointer after tracking him for several miles . I knew he was a ways ahead of me and he was looking for the girls. I had a pretty good idea where he was going , So I cut up wind from him at a fast pace and laid out seveal scent bombs and waited. It wasn't 5 minutes later he came in and I had another NorthWoods buck .
I could go on and on with the stories I've heard or expierienced myself . From activating mock scrapes , deer licking my tree pegs , does licking dripper bags , bucks charging in or cautiously following a drag line . Of course doing your homework helps and time on stand is critical. One thing is for certain though , using NorthWoods Common Scents will certainly increase your odds of success .